You'll notice a new header picture. That's the full moon rising over the rv with windows reflecting the setting sun. Picture taken by DeDe.
We stayed four night at Elephant Butte Lake state park. We met up with friend Christine and her cute dog Edna. Here's a picture that DeDe took of the four of us.
l-r Chris, Edna the dog, DeDe and me.
We drove out to the small town of Monticello, passing by the Elephant Butte airport.
Plane on display
Monticello has a little bit of everything, here's a building with ample parking.
And then there are the doors and gates.
We've left the lake and are at Rockhound State Park in southern New Mexico. Tomorrow DeDe and I will drive south to have lunch at The Pink Store in Puerto Palomas, Mexico.
The view from my bedroom window.
See you around the bend.
Evie and Joy
One last picture. When we bought our class C, in November 2013, it had about 28,000 miles. Now look.